Speed up matrix inversion in R

Recently, I have been working on a project which requires translating Matlab code to R code. This project uses a fairly large dataset and needs to recursively compute the inversion of a matrix (around 1000 by 1000) more than 500 times. In Matlab, it spends less then 5 minutes to run the whole computation; while in R, my initial translation ran more than an hour.

In R, there are several ways to compute the matrix inversion.

  1. solve() function

Solve function is initially designed to solve equations. For example, for a %*% x = b, we can use solve(a, b) to compute x. However, when we only provide one parameter, solve(a) returns the inverse of a.

  1. The Choleski decomposition (chol2inv())

Another way to compute matrix inversion is to use the choleski decomposition, i.e. cho2inv(chol(x)). chol() computes the Choleski factorization of a real symmetric positive-definite square matrix. Therefore, we shall first make sure that the matrix x is a symmetric positive-definite matrix. If the matrix is not symmetric and positive-definite, an error will occur.

  1. pd.solve()

Similar to solve(), pd.solve() also computes the matrix inversion or solve an equation. The difference is that pd.solve() requires a matrix to be positive definite. This function is provided by mnormt package.

  1. arma::inv() from RcppArmadillo package

C++ is known for its performance. One could embed C++ code in an R program by using the Rcpp package. RcppArmadillo is a linear algebra library allowing users to use C++ to boost computation in R.

In this package, we can use arma::inv() to compute matrix inversion. Additionally, if the matrix is positive definite, we can use arma::inv_sympd(). Below is the implementation of matrix inversion using arma::inv().

  Rcpp::cppFunction("arma::mat armaInv(const arma::mat & x) { return arma::inv(x); }", depends="RcppArmadillo")
  y = armaInv(x)
  1. solve() and chol2inv() in Matrix package.

Matrix is a package of classes and methods dealing with Matrix computations. These classes and methods are known as the S4. Different from the conventional data type in R, Matrix defines different classes for different matrices. For example, the standard dense numeric matrix is defined as dgeMatrix class. If a matrix is symmetric, it can be transformed into a symmetric class symmetricMatrix using forceSymmetric method.

Thanks to the rich data type Matrix provides, when using Matrix::solve(), the function will first check the data type of the given matrix, if the matrix is a sysmetric and positive definite matrix, the function will use the Choleski decomposition to speed up the matrix inversion.


I randomly generated a 1000 by 1000 matrix and ran the inversion 100 times for each method introduced above. The following is the benchmark test result.

test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
solve_s3 100 49.45 4.732 48.97 0.45
chol_s3 100 25.53 2.443 25.19 0.34
inverse_cpp_pd_s3 100 26.50 2.536 25.76 0.62
inverse_cpp_s3 100 26.59 2.544 25.91 0.60
Matrix::chol2inv 100 10.45 1.000 10.31 0.14
Matrix::solve_s4 100 16.00 1.531 15.94 0.06

Clearly, the common solve() is the slowest (49.45s for 100 rounds of matrix inversion). If the matrix is symmetric positive-definite, using chol2inv() could reduce a half of the runtime. Using the RcppArmadillo can also achieve similar reduction. Surprisingly, the inversion using the Matrix package performs even much better than the RcppArmadillo packages. If the matrix is symmetric and positive definite, using Matrix::chol2inv() improves the performance by 4.7 times comparing to the solve()!

However, even use the outperformer Matrix::chol2inv(), my program is still around 10 times slower than the matlab. After doing some research, I found Microsoft R Open.

Just by using this alternative version, I achieve the 10-fold performance! Here is the benchmark test using Microsoft R Open.

test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
solve_s3 100 3.42 3.758 39.63 0.50
chol_s3 100 1.67 1.835 18.63 0.42
Matrix::chol2inv 100 0.91 1.000 10.58 0.21
Matrix::solve_s4 100 1.30 1.429 8.42 0.17

Matrix::chol2inv() is still the fastest. The runtime is only 0.91s comparing to 49.45s of solve() in the previous version. I achieved a more than 50 times boost of performance!

Written on July 16, 2020